Dr. Brice Riera



The endodontist's mission is to save the teeth.

He/she is the specialist in endodontics (inside the root canal), where the pulp (the nerve of the tooth) is located.

From the conservation of your pulp to its complete treatment, our goal is to maintain your teeth in your mouth for as long as possible by preventing or correcting inflammatory and/or infectious problems.

Full-time specialty program, use of operative microscope and operative field, 2D and 3D radiographs of the latest generation, endodontic instrumentation based on the latest technologies, ... Dr. Brice Riera will bring you his expertise, experience, and his rigorous work in a considerate and comfortable environment, with personalized care, worthy of the best contemporary microdentistry.


2016-2019 | European University Diploma in Clinical Endodontics (University Paris 7) | 3-year full-time postgraduate program

2019 | Doctor of Dental Surgery (University Paris 7) | “CBCT and 3D printing in guided endodontics: narrative review of the literature and presentation of a clinical case“

2017-2018 | Professional Master's Degree in Endodontics (University Paris 7) | "Sciences, Technologies, Health, Life and Health Sciences" Mention "Cellular Biology, Physiology, Pathologies" Specialty "Applied Oral Pathophysiology"

2016-2017 | Professional Master's Degree in Endodontics (University Paris 7) | "Sciences, Technologies, Health, Life and Health Sciences" Mention "Cellular Biology, Physiology, Pathologies" Specialty "Applied Oral Pathophysiology"

2015-2016 | Research Master's Degree in Endodontics (University Paris 7) | “Sciences, Technologies, Health, Life and Health Sciences” | Mention “Cellular Biology, Physiology, Pathologies” | Specialty “Biomineralization, Morphogenesis, Inflammatory Pathologies” | Internship in the Molecular Oral Pathophysiology Laboratory of Pr Berdal Project led by Pr Stéphane Simon: “In vitro behavior of human pulp stem cells in contact with a hydrogel-dental powder mixture”

2015 | Research Master's Degree (University Paris 7) | “Sciences, Technologies, Health, Life and Health Sciences” | Mention “Cellular Biology, Physiology, Pathologies” | Specialty “Biomineralization, Morphogenesis, Inflammatory Pathologies” | Internship in the Molecular Oral Pathophysiology Laboratory of Pr Berdal

2016-2018 | 2014-2015 | Specialized Studies Diploma in Bucco-Dental Medicine (University Paris 7) | Endodontic, Restorative & Aesthetic Dentistry orientation. Internship report on "Total pulpotomy of the mature permanent tooth: review of the literature and presentation of a clinical case (inclusion of the PULPSAVE Clinical Research Hospital Project)" directed by Pr Stéphane Simon

2015 | Conscious Sedation Training Certificate with MEOPA

January 2023 | Conference | Speaker | Impact of root canal treatment on pulpectomized teeth: interest of a minimally invasive approach | NextGen Congress | Paris

November 2022 | Live demonstration | Speaker | Molar root canal retreatment in one session: analysis step by step | ADF

November 2022 | Conference day | Speaker | Contemporary approach to endodontic treatments: what's up? | ONFOC 68

September 2022 | Blended learning course | Organizer | Bring your own canal preparation system to learn how to exploit all possibilities | Les Entretiens de Garancière | Paris

May 2022 | Conference | Speaker | Root canal filling biomaterials | Advanced-Class at Endo Académie

March 2022 | Conference | Speaker | As small as possible, as wide as necessary: a reasoned approach to root canal treatment | Alpha Omega Young | Faculty of Dental Surgery of Montrouge

December 2021 | Conference | Speaker | Objectives of endodontic treatment, preservation of pulp vitality, notions of success and failure | Endo Académie (ADFOC 72) | Le Mans

November 2021 | Practical work | Co-responsible for practical work | Root canal filling: from crown to apex | ADF | Paris

September 2021 | Conference | Co-speaker | Cysts and tumors: conventional endodontic management, endodontic microsurgery, or surgical excision | Les Entretiens de Garancière | Paris

Since September 2021 | Training | Responsible | The Endodontic Cycle | Endo Académie | Paris

July 2021 | Course | Speaker | The flare-up | Advanced Class at Endo Académie

June 2021 | Conference | Speaker | Impact of root canal treatment on pulpectomized teeth: interest of a minimally invasive approach | Day of Information for Dental Practitioners | Maison de la Chimie Paris

May 2020 | Course | Speaker | Root canal filling materials | Advanced Class at Endo Académie

Since 2020 | Training | Co-responsible | Use of the Operating Microscope in General Practice | Endo Académie

September 2019 | Practical work | Co-organizer | Use of the Operating Microscope in General Practice | Les Entretiens de Garancière | Paris

September 2018 | Study club | Speaker | Total pulpotomy of the mature permanent tooth | Endoacadémie

September 2017 | Conference | Speaker | Open, randomized clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of a tricalcium silicate-based endodontic filling material (Bioroot™ RCS) | European Society of Endodontology Congress | Brussels

September 2016 | Conference | Co-speaker | Is the tooth supporting my prosthesis easily treatable or re-treatable? Session "Strengthening the sustainability of your prosthodontic anchorage" | Les Entretiens de Garancière | Paris

October 2016 | Conference | Speaker | In vitro evaluation of human stem cell behavior in contact with a hydrogel/dental powder mixture | Garancière Research Day | Paris

Article | RIERA B., MARCHI V., GABRIEL R. Aussi petit que possible, aussi large que nécessaire. Fil conducteur d'une endodontie raisonnée. Clinic 2024;45(438-439):422-434

Article | RIERA B., MARCHI V. Incisions et sutures en microchirurgie endodontique. Clinic 2024;45(440):574-583

Clinical case | RIERA B. Endodontic microsurgery of a mandibular molar. Clinic, 2022; 43(415-416): 504-505

Chapter in a book | The gestures of the Dentist: optimizing teamwork" (publisher Information Dentaire). 2021

Article | RIERA B. Apexification and revitalization. Le fil dentaire. 2018

Article | ELBHAR S., MONTERO M. G., ALTHWEIB L., RIERA B., RIERA B., AL KHOURDAJI G., SIMON S., What is the working length in endodontics? Clinic, 2017; 39:263-268.

Article | Lanati I, Riera B, Detzen L, Gosset M. The margin elevation: a special relationship between biomaterials and periodontal health. Clinic 2016; 37:115-120.

Article | Petitjean M, Riera B, Garboua M-A, Laradh I, Decup F. Finishing and polishing composite restorations. Part 1. Clinic 2016.

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